Saturday we had another episode of trail maintenance. We had another good showing of volunteers and we worked on 3 different areas.
General park cleanup was conducted as well, guys please make sure if you bring disposable water bottles that they find their way into the trash cans. About 25 to 30 bottles were picked up by the trail crew from different areas around the park if you bring it in please take it out.
We also worked on improving some of the BMX/MTB course; with the help of some of the resident jumpers the transitions and landings were improved. In preparation for the next Rad Race the course was also swept in order to make it smoother.
Daniel testing the course
The trail that leads into the BMX/MTB course was also improved on this weekend, a couple of ups and downs were added, sadly we do not have enough materials to open that section yet. Donations of pavers, wood and other supplies would be greatly appreciated in order for us to open up this area.
Section in need of supplies.
The last section of trail that was worked on this weekend was a small optional addition to Enter Sandman, what is being unofficially called “The Great Wall” is being added, a fun fast pump section that will add a hard line to an intermediate trail. This section is not yet complete so please do no ride on it until we can shore it up with wood reinforcements.
Kenny and Sam workin on the Great Wall
If anyone knows about any donations of Pressure Treated wood or other supplies that may be useful to the trail please shoot us an email or drop a comment below. We will try to respond as soon as possible.
VirginiaKeyBicycleClub at Gmail
Hope to see everyone out enjoying the trails, and remember always bring a helmet!